Konstantin K. Likharev 

            Department of Physics and Astronomy

          Stony Brook University

    Essential Graduate Physics


             Lecture Notes and Problems


        EGP is a series of lecture notes and problems, which consists of four subject parts:

                   CM: Classical Mechanics (for a 1-semester course)

                   EM: Classical Electrodynamics  (2 semesters)

                   QM: Quantum Mechanics  (2 semesters)

                   SM: Statistical Mechanics  (1 semester)

       and the following common materials:

              Front Matter (including a preface and a list of notation), two appendices:

                             MA: Selected Mathematical Formulas

                             UCA: Selected Units and Constants

                   and a list of References



            © K. Likharev 2013-2024 

            Open online access is provided under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA  4.0 license 



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