Konstantin K. Likharev 


Department of Physics and Astronomy

Stony Brook University

Essential Graduate Physics

Lecture Notes and Problems

Part EM: Classical Electrodynamics

Table of Contents and Introductory Remarks (4 pp.)

Chapter 1. Electric Charge Interaction (20 pp.)

Chapter 2. Charges and Conductors (68 pp.)

Chapter 3. Dipoles and Dielectrics (28 pp.)

Chapter 4. DC Currents (16 pp.)

Chapter 5. Magnetism (42 pp.)

Chapter 6. Electromagnetism (38 pp.)

Chapter 7. Electromagnetic Wave Propagation (70 pp.)

Chapter 8. Radiation, Scattering, Interference, and Diffraction (38 pp.)

Chapter 9. Special Relativity (56 pp.)

Chapter 10. Radiation by Relativistic Charges (40 pp.)   


EM merged file (464 pp.)


EM exercise problems with model solutions (430 pp).



© K. Likharev 2013-2024 

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